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Calle Isaac Peral 34, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Kanaari saared, Hispaania


Fuerteventura on väidetavalt "Euroopa Hawaii" ja see kõik on tõsi! See ilus aastaringselt suvi ei lõpe kunagi. Jahutatud ja särav surfamine Corralejo on täiuslik pesa sisemise ühenduse loomiseks ja joogaga integreerimiseks, elades "saareelu". Kõik on (ranna) jalutuskäigu kaugusel ning ookeanis saab ujuda enne / pärast ja treeningpäevade vaheaegadel. Saare põhjaosas asuvas Corralejos on palju erinevaid läbimõeldud taimetoidu- ja vegankohvikuid ja -restorane ning igal õhtul mängib tänavatel elavat muusikat. Keskmine temperatuur jääb 24 kraadi ümber.


Calle Isaac Peral 34, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Kanaari saared, Hispaania


Inbodhi jooga Fuertenventura asub 2 min. jalutuskäigu kaugusel rannast, "vanalinna piirkonnas". Oleme avar maa -alune stuudio õpetajakoolitajatele, ränduritele, digitaalsetele nomaadidele, kohalikele ja puhkusereisidele, et üheskoos sisse astuda ja joogapraktikat jagada.


Stuudio asub saare põhjaosas, Corralejos, umbes 30 minutit. bussisõit Puerto del Rosario (saare pealinn). Fuerteventura on kuues saar, Gran Canaria ja Lanzarote vahel on seitse (nagu tšakrad). Saar on tuntud oma pikkade randade (üle 150 ranna ja 300 km rannajoont) ning kuulsa surfamise ja lohesurfi sihtkoha poolest.


Inbodhi Yoga Fuerteventura lavastaja on Salla ja see on avatud alates 2015. aastast. Kui Salla kolis Soomest Fuertesse, kulus tal koha avamiseks 6 nädalat. Esimesed 200 tundi. Õpetajate koolitus korraldati kuu aega pärast avamist 2015. aasta novembris. Salla on juhtinud üle 20 õpetajakoolituse, lõpetades üle 100 lõpetanud 200 tundi. & 100 tundi. koolitused. Selle stuudio põhiolemus on autentsus ja kojujõudmise tunne.


Since I became a Rocket trainer in 2015, I have consistently led Teacher Trainings, all 200hr, 100/50hr. Hundreds of graduates from Fuerteventura are now all around the world practicing and teaching themselves and their people to breathe and move with awareness in their lives. That totally melts my heart!   Read more

The Academy Of Inner Alchemy


Over the past year I finished my studies and became a licensed LCA® Psychological Resilience Coach (ACT Acceptance & Commitment Therapy) and a LCAF Life Coach®. Read more about the Yoga Off the mat, Life (changing) Coaching  & mentoring programs online in The Academy of Inner Alchemy   Read more



Nagu kõik Inbodhi keskused, pakume ka 200- ja 300 -tunniseid õpetajakoolitusi ning 30 -tunniseid keelekümblusi.


Teacher Trainings
Online Yoga Off the mat




The Academy of Inner Alchemy

Let's connect  <3

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Eratund / Coaching



Yoga Classes


Any Questions?

Message me +34 673 843 982 Salla

Fun & Light Rocket practices, Inspirational & Healing Experiences for all levels & everyone!





Next all-levels classes on WEDNESDAY at 9:00 in Waikiki Beach, Corralejo

October: 9.10. & 23.10. 

November: 20.11.

December: 4.12. & 18.12. 

January: 15.1. & 29.1. 

Much loved morning practice all together with the awakening Corralejo since 2015 - Come & join us!


Location: by the Waikiki (restaurant) in front of big rocks. See the location from the map here - Please take your own towel / mat! The class is for everybody! IT WILL BE EPIC - See you in Waikiki!

Contact Salla via WhatsApp message  +34 673 843 982 

Weekly SUNDAY 

Rocket Yoga at 10:00-11:00 

in Synergy Studio - Buendia no-hotel

- No class on Sunday 20.11.- 

These classes are led 1h Ashtanga Rocket Vinyasa Yoga classes for ALL LEVELS. Come as you are & prepare yourself to breathe, move & meditate! Drop in 18€  // residents 15€ / 1 month (4 classes) 50€


Location for Sunday morning class: C/ la Atalaya 2, Corralejo

Message me to book your spot!  +34 673 843 982 Salla


+ Extra Classes

November 2024


Friday 1.11. 

16:00-17:30 Rocket Happy Hour

Sunday 3.11.

12:00-14:00 Rocket Workshop (25€)


Wednesday 6.11. ONLINE

10:00-11:00 Rocket via zoom

Thursday 7.11. ONLINE

10-11  Rocket via zoom 

Saturday 9.11. ONLINE

10-11 Rocket via zoom 

Wednesday 20.11. 

16:00-17:00 Rocket Fly 

Thursday 21.11. 

9-10 Morning Yoga

16:00-17:00 Rocket Light 

Friday 22.11. 

9-10 Morning Yoga

16:00-17:30 Rocket Happy Hour

Saturday 23.11. 

10-11 Morning Yoga 

16:00-17:30 Rocket & Yin

Sunday 24.11. 

10-11:30 Full Primary

16:00-17:00 Rocket Fun!

December 2024

Wednesday 4.12. 

16:00-17:00 Yin & Meditation 

Thursday 5.12. 

9-10 Morning Yin Yoga

16:00-17:00 Yin & Chakras 

Friday 6.12. 

9-10 Morning Yin Yoga

16:00-17:30 Restorative Yoga & Relaxation

Saturday 7.12. 

10-11 Morning Yin Yoga 

16:00-17:30 Slow & Still Yoga

Sunday 8.12. 

10-11:30 Slow & Still Yoga

16:00-17:00 Yin Yoga

Friday 27.12. 

16-17:30 Rocket Happy hour

Sunday 29.12. 

12-14 Rocket Workshop (25€)

WhatsApp message me for more info, location & prices

Salla  +34 673 843 982


Ideal for families & group of friends!

​Private 1-to-1 class: 60min 90€

Private Group class: 60min 110€ (for 2 yogis) + 10€ for each extra yogi

WhatsApp message me & we tailor it for you!

Salla  +34 673 843 982 

Life Coaching 


For yogis, yogic moms & soul-led entrepreneurs!

1-to-1 Coaching via zoom 75min 150€ (inc. free intro session)

Voxer Coaching 170€ / monthly (3 months commitment)


Alchemist - Community & Group Coaching + all access to life changing online course & abundant practice Vaults: 3 months 111€ 

Coming up! Circle sisterhood - Gathering more info soon!

All prices non-refundable (+ 7% tax will be added)

Contact me & we tailor it for you! 


E-RYT500 Yoga Trainer

Certified Life Coach (IFT International Coaching Federation)

Psychological Flexibility Coach (ACT Acceptance & Commitment Therapy)

Read My Story

 Email me:

Parim asi, mida teha, et leida end Fuerteventurast, on väga soovitatav!


Ma võin ainult soovitada seda maagilist saart külastada. Aitäh, et mind äratasid!  


Tunde juhitakse sügavate teadmiste ja lõbusaga! Tuleb tagasi.



”Salla has created a warm, loving environment in Inbodhi Yoga Fuerteventura Yoga studio that welcomes everybody and she really meets you where you are at the moment. It’s a supportive, lovely place where you can grow freely and feel the love she puts in everything she teaches. Thanks for this transformational experience, it was the right decision and the right time to come here to this beautiful island.”


(Modules 1, 2 & 3)


“I’ve been coming to Salla’s classes for the past 6 years and it has been transformational! The classes but even more the Teacher Trainings. Life changing experience for me. It goes so much deeper into all layers of the practice and also of life. If you are serious about Yoga Teacher Training - come here! Salla is an inspiring, authentic, loving and very experienced trainer.”


(Module 1 & 2)



Inbodhi jooga Fuerteventura

Calle Isaac Peral 34  |  Corralejo  |  Fuerteventura

WhatsAppi sõnum (ainult) +34 673 843 982

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