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Tallinn Yin & Restorative Yoga TT / Summer Retreat (50h)

Date and time is TBD



See yin ja taastava jooga koolitus on avatud kõigile! Nii neile, kes soovivad joogat teistega jagada, kui ka selleks, et oma praktikaga minna sügavamale. The training is in English. Yin & Restorative Training is open to ALL - if you're a yoga facilitator or just want to deepen your practice!

Tallinn Yin & Restorative Yoga TT / Summer Retreat (50h)
Tallinn Yin & Restorative Yoga TT / Summer Retreat (50h)

Time & Location

Date and time is TBD

Tallinn, Narva maantee 38, Trepikoda 4, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia

About the Event

(Eesti keelne info all)

Who? This Spring Yin and Restorative Yoga Training (50hr) is for you:

  1. If you're a yoga facilitator from any lineage and want to share Yin & Restorative yoga with others.

  2. If you're an independent yoga practitioner or even a first-time yoga explorer, these are days of self-inquiry into a quiet practice - a stand-alone urban retreat.

  3. If you're a 200hr YA certified teacher, this training is part of Inbodhi's 300hr advanced teacher training program.


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