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L, 06. mai



Tallinn Yin & Restorative Yoga TT / Spring Weekend Retreat (50h)

This Yin & Restorative Training is open to ALL - if you're a yoga facilitator from any lineage then these 2 winter weekends will prepare you to share a Yin & Restorative practice; if you are not, then these are simply 2 weekends of self-inquiry into a quiet practice - an urban retreat.

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Tallinn Yin & Restorative Yoga TT / Spring Weekend Retreat (50h)
Tallinn Yin & Restorative Yoga TT / Spring Weekend Retreat (50h)

Time & Location

06. mai 2023, 09:00 GMT +3 – 14. mai 2023, 19:00 GMT +3

Tallinn, Narva maantee 38, Trepikoda 4, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia

About the Event

(Eesti keelne info all)

Who? This Spring Yin and Restorative Yoga Training (50hr) is for you:

  1. If you're a yoga facilitator from any lineage and you want to share Yin & Restorative yoga with others.
  2. If you're an independent yoga practitioner or even a first-time yoga explorer, then these are simply 2 weekends of self-inquiry into a quiet practice - a stand-alone urban retreat.
  3. If you're a 200hr YA certified teacher, then this training is part of Inbodhi's 300hr advanced teacher training program.


  1. Two weekends in May: 6 - 7 & 13 - 14 (9.00-19.00 o'clock Tallinn time)
  2. Five evenings between the weekends (19.15/19.30 - 21.00 o'clock Tallinn time)
  3. You will get a three-month unlimited pass for all the studio classes for that week.


  1. You will learn about the history and philosophy of Yin and Restorative Yoga, about Chinese Meridian Theory, and the energetic and physical effects of these still practices.
  2. You will learn how to break down poses and practice sequencing for a yoga class or for your own home practice.
  3. You will learn the art of rest that Restorative Yoga brings to your life.
  4. You will learn how to sequence and safely practice and/or facilitate Yin and Restorative classes according to your interests, integrating knowledge of the elements as well as exploring supportive touch, breath awareness, and the use of props.
  5. You will learn, how to modify and incorporate yin and/or restorative yoga for special groups and with a more yang style of practices.

Led by: Tuuli Sofia Arponen and Inbodhi Yoga Tallinn director Marilyn Jurman (500hr E-RYT) and other Inbodhi Yoga facilitators and trainers.

Marilyn Jurman is a certified Yoga Alliance trainer and coach. She has graduated with over 500hr yoga trainings with Its Yoga in 4 years of programs all over the world. She has University degrees in professional acting and psychology and has certifications in Cognitive-Behaivioral and Family therapy foundations.

Investment: Early Bird: 650€ (paid before 01.06.2023) Full price: 750€ Payment plans are always available.

You will get an unlimited studio card from the day of the payment. 

The training is in English.

Kursus ja materjalid on inglise keeles.


  1. Jooga õpetajatele, kes soovivad jagada Yin ja Taastavat joogat teistega.
  2. Jooga praktiseerijatele ja jooga alustajatele, huvilistele, kes tahavad oma kodusesse praktikasse lisada Yin ja Taastavat joogat.
  3. 200h YA õpetajatele, kes tahavad jätkata 300h programmiga, mille osa see treening on.

Mis toimub?

  1. Sa õpid Yini ja Taastava jooga ajalugu ja filosoofiat, tundma meridiaani jooni ja nende liikumatute praktikate energeetilisi ja füüsilisi toimimisi
  2. Sa õpid iga poosi harutama lahti ja harjutad erinevaid seeriaid.
  3. Sa õpid, kuidas järjestada ja ohutult harjutada ja hõlbustada Yin ja Taastava jooga tunde või oma kodust praktikat vastavalt oma huvidele.
  4. Sa õpid integreerima teadmisi elementidest ja uurima toetavat puudutust, teadlikku hingamist ning abivahendite ja eeterlike õlide kasutamist.
  5. Sa õpid, kuidas kohandada ja siduda Yin ja Taastavat joogat erinevatele gruppidele ja Yang stiili praktikatega.

Juhendajad: Tuuli Sofia Arponen (200hr E-RYT) Inbodhi Yoga direktor Marilyn Jurman (500hr E-RYT)

Marilyn Jurman on YA joogakoolitaja. Ta on kahekordne kraad psühholoogias ja teatrikunstis ning on läbinud kognitiiv-käitumusliku teraapia ning pereteraapia kursused.

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